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Digital Media Production

Archive for January, 2006

cool crummy guitars

Via Music Thing it’s Krappy Guitars!

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NAMM Redux

Since my last post, I’ve found some more interesting items that fell through the cracks of the major music sites.

Looks like IK and SVG have re-announced their partnership. They are claiming it will be out this quarter, but we’ll just have to see. Wonder if there will be cheap upgrades for those of us who already own amplitube.

Edirol has announced a competitor to the MicroTrack, the R-09, which I find very interesting. The more competitors in this market, the better.

Barry Wood has his Oddities ’06 page up, which is awesome as usual.

Create Digital Music blog has some nice coverage and analysis.

Create Digital Music has also managed to explain the Kore system from NI that I didn’t understand before.

Finally, Create Digital Music has nice coverage of the weird controllers at NAMM

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Boy, NAMM looked boring

nothing major or cool that I can see
It is weird that the most exciting announcements at Namm were about boring stuff. Live is gonna support intel macs soon. ok. The most interesting stuff to me is the stuff I can find out very little about. Roland announced the R-09 a new field recorder and then didn’t give any details (or a picture!). Native Instruments announces the Kore and then have almost no details. It is a hardware and software host and plug-in and universal sound format? I don’t get it, but that is mostly because they haven’t told me anything about it.


maybe tomorrow will be better.

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