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Digital Media Production

Preserving Digital films

Most of us are probably dealing with this on a much smaller scale. I’ve got a bank of drives sitting around with old projects on them. I should be cycling them periodically, but I don’t always get to it. I’ve got some random old video file formats that I’m not sure how much longer I’ll be able to read. I’ve got stacks of minidiscs, DV and DAT tapes lying around. Plus tons of old CDRs and DVDRs will backups on them. I’ve had some scares. There was a recording session for transPacific that I’d archived to hard drive and also to about 40 DVDs. At one point, I needed some files, so I grabbed the DVDs. NONE of them worked. Luckily, the drive was still good and I was able to copy the files.

Imagine now that over in Hollywood, they are producing 100s of Gigabytes a day. What the hell do they do with it? This article from the New York times is interesting, but I’d love to see an in-depth interview with a major film studio data wrangler.

The Afterlife Is Expensive for Digital Movies – New York Times

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